Sabtu, Maret 26, 2011


Buddy is someone whos always beside you
dont care you on the top or on the bottom

Buddy is someone know your self
always support you altough they not agree with what you do

Buddy is someone whos give their shoulder to cry on
without bigg question

Budddy is someone whos give their ear to hear your speak
altough they are not too understain

Buddy is someone know your secret life
and not speak your secret life with other

Buddy is someone whos always has much solution
for your problem

Buddy is someone whos care with you
Buddy  judge you false if you do false thing

Buddy is my everything in my life
altough i dont have friend but i have buddy whos always beside me
thank you buddy....
to be myy buddy...
always be myy buddy and dont change....

^^spesial present to myy buddyy.....
i love you much galz... 

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